About Jen and The Indecisive Moose

I'm Jen and I am the Indecisive Moose.

I'm a photographer, mother, Montessori teacher, writer, wife, dancer, actor, instructor of various classes and summer camper :). And that's just the beginning of the list, I'm sure. 'Summer camper' is where I first found my Moose totem and though I'm sure my Chi Sigma Epsilon sisters have not taken to the moose as feverishly as I, it has become a part of me. Imbedded in my life (and my skin) so as to never be separate.

I decided to blog about photography and realized that I would never stick to one topic, not with my natural inclination to the indecisive :) and my scattered brain.

So in these pages you will find many random posts, a few parenting posts, some Montessori posts, a craft post every now and then and maybe even a book review. It's all me, it's all real and I wouldn't trade it for anything.... usually.

I began my photography as Brute Force Photo in Japan. Which is a whole different story, for another time. I settled on Pandora Photography Project, after many ideas and considerations. Pandora's box is about Hope. I started a project called Mizuko, that creates art to honor lost babies (miscarriage, still birth, etc.). After Mizuko, I realized that Hope is my personal theme. It's what allows me to lay on the ground in the mud if I have to for the perfect shot. Hope is an active emotion. An active feeling. An active way of living. By it's very nature, if you have hope you are DOING something. That's why I sign off with ING. That simple 'ing' takes us from something that happened and may now be over to something that is still happening... 'ing'.


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