Wednesday, March 1, 2017

The life changing magic of not giving a F***.

Uh Oh. It's a curse word. It's ok. That's the only one. I promise, mostly.

I've just started reading this book, the life-changing magic of Not Giving A F*ck.
It's pretty silly and also spot on for what I've been working towards for like 10 years now.

Sarah Knight describes the fucks you give as a bank account. You only have so many. They may replenish, but they are still finite. So doling them out with purpose is the only way to save ones sanity and thus ones happiness, or joy.

This is my life long dream. To only give my attention, time and energy to things I LOVE. My family. My friends (doing things we love), photography, and writing. These are the first tier fucks that I will hand out with reckless abandon. Things like lobster, moose trinkets, Billy Joel songs and Wicked, the musical and the book? Those are all on my second tier of fucks I will always dole out. I can honestly say that aside from money making endeavors to ensure that we provide for our family, I'm pretty good and only giving fucks where I want to. (And that latter? I'm working on that being only from things I give a fuck about.)

The online YouNique party you invited me to? I will always decline. Not cause I hate you. Not cause I hate small businesses or work at home moms (I am one, BTW). Not cause I hate ladies who try to supplement their income or prepare an in home business for when they quit the 9-5 to stay home with their littles. Cause I know this dual working mom and she is one badass momma, rockin' her Single, Sailor Mom life and being super cool and beautiful while she does it. I will always decline, simply because I don't wear make up. Have not worn it daily since... ever actually. I used to go through phases where I thought I needed to and so would buy stuff and learn and try to wear it. But sleep ALWAYS won out when it came time to getting up early enough to make that magic happen. Even if I do a 5 min. no make up look. I will still always opt. to give that 5 min. to sleeping. I eventually got honest with myself and more importantly got OK with the fact that I didn't want to wear it. It's just not something I find important, for me. So I will not clutter my feed with your party nonsense. Now invite me to a make up party at your house... with actual people? I'll move heaven and earth to be there, because I like you, we are friends and I enjoy your company. I will probably even have fun trying stuff on and watching everyone else do amazing things with these products, as long as you know I will not be buying anything. Cause I don't give a fuck about make up. You do. And I LOVE you for it. I'm amazed when you post on IG and FB. Cause your make up always looks FABulous. Does that make me want it? Nope.

Invite me to a LuLaRoe party? You KNOW I'm there. Even though I'm a consultant myself, I'll still join your party. Online, in home, at convention, I don't care. I love the clothes, have downed the koolaid and I'm in. Cause I choose to give a fuck about LuLaRoe. Our other friend doesn't? Oh. That's cool, LuLaRoe isn't for everyone and I still like to hang with her. Cause she always makes me laugh so hard I cry. Another thing I give a fuck about. Laughing.

I especially enjoyed this handy little flowchart.

I'm about a third the way through this book and I'm loving everything about it. Ms. Knight writes much like my friend Lacy speaks, so it's like chatting with a good friend. I've giggled, and even laughed right out loud... yup. Out. Loud.

I can't wait to see what the rest of the book has in store for me.


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