Sunday, December 3, 2017

MEH 8.1 The Work Cycle

Montessori and Movement: a quick look at the work cycle.

First, lets define the work cycle for anyone not familiar.
The 'work cycle' refers to everything in between taking a job from the shelf and replacing it there when finished. Including, but not limited to;

choose job
take it from shelf
place it on rug (previously laid out)
complete job (whatever that entails from the lesson given), maybe several times... until finished
place all items of the job back on the tray, prepped for next person to use
take job back to shelf and place in it's spot

Do you realize just how much movement that cycle requires?
Lets say your child chooses 5-7 jobs in a morning. This means they are repeating this 'work cycle' that many times PLUS! doing the actual jobs and whatever movement each one requires. No wonder your child is exhausted after just one morning.

This movement within a Montessori classroom is one of the things that makes it unique from other educational models. The method, materials and philosophy not only allow a child to move but encourage, Nay! require it.

Montessori herself said:
"Muscles which nature has destined for movement find their rest in orderly movements, just as the normal rhythm of breathing in the open air represents rest for the lungs." ~ The Discover of the Child

If you're interested in reading for yourself, The Discovery of the Child can easily be purchased on amazon.

If you're interested in what Montessori's thoughts on movement can mean for your child at home and within your parenting style, check out our YouTube channel:
MEHtube, once there, look for
Episode MEH 8: Montessori and Movement.


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