Tuesday, December 4, 2012


I'm Jen and I am the Indecisive Moose. What started out as a blog on photography... and maybe a little "other", quickly turned into a plethora of "other" topics. And I realized that my indecisiveness, though a joke in my house may actually be the downfall to my completing a great many unfinished tasks I have left in my wake. But that's besides the point... or maybe that IS the point :)

So for post 1, I thought I'd start with Photography...novel, right? This is my great friend Sonya and a fabulous shot from her 'Trash the Dress' session. She wanted to paint it... but how to get great splatter without ruining carpet or backdrops? The solution? a do-it-yourself carwash!

We hung the canvas (as a white backdrop), which made an amazing piece of art for their walls. You can see the green paint sailing toward Brandon in the lower lefthand corner. It took 3 paint splatterers to get a variety of colors and angles. Later Brandon learned not to laugh out loud... he got orange teeth :)

Once finished. We washed them off as best we could and placed the new art work in the car. luckily we had towels... cause no one thought ahead to how we would transport the still wet canvas :) But we're a role with the punches kind of group.


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