Thursday, December 20, 2012

Christmoose Inspiration from Holland

Stockings...I strongly dislike them. From the time I was a kid and Grandma ALWAYS filled the bottom of ours with fruit.... I have disliked them. Not that fruit is bad... its just so...ordinary.

So when I came upon the traditions of Holland and setting out wooden clogs on December 5th... I was saved. I LOVE doing this with my family. It helps break up the month by putting a little gift giving at the beginning. And although it sometimes doesn't work out for my husband to be there when the kids wake (cause it's usually a weekday) and discover their shoes we still do it.

For me, it's more about lessening the 'gimme' affect. Not that Z has that problem but i feel these traditions we have adopted or created are, in part, responsible for her lack of 'gimme'itis. By the time Christmoose (it's our new name for Christmas) comes around she has been playing with or used up entirely whatever was in her shoe on the 5th and Christmoose morning is all about what is wrapped under the tree. And this is where she is JUST as excited to see others open what SHE has wrapped as she is to unwrap her own gifts.

Plus, the shoe is ALOT smaller and easier to fill :) and lets face it stuffing stockings is a nightmare for most people.

Zephira's clog 2012.

Icarus' clog 2012.

As you can see, we still have a hard time remembering HOW small the shoes are. We get a few things and it's overflowing. Icky is the year of the rabbit. so he gets more bunny stuff than the average child :). The grey mat is actually a road rug for the hot wheels in his shoe. The road rug was one of Z's advents earlier in the month.

My husband and I have clogs as well.  bigger, cause we are bigger :) and someday (I'm thinking when Icky is 5ish, cause Z is 5 this year and I think she could do it) we will paint them. Unless we have more kids then we'll to wait for the youngest to be old enough to paint theirs.

We also got one for Elle, our fabulous niece who was born this year. This is her first christmoose and we're making sure to bombard my brother and sister in law with our ridiculous and silly traditions. Elle just may get a zombie for christmoose... :)

Happy Yule,

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