Sunday, August 28, 2016

Barbie, Life in the Dreamhouse: Where education really begins.

Do you know what 'alliteration' is? My kids do, they are 5 (Icky) & 9 (Z). is this a huge academic deal? not really. But what I love about this fact is HOW they learned it. 

**while driving in the car and listening to a song by Cowboy Mouth.
Z: Hitch hiker hike home. Mom, that's alliteration.
Me: (a little laugh) Yes, sweet girl, it is.
Z: Just like Barbie.
Me: (laughs again)
Icky: Hot tub Huge. (quoting Barbie)
Z: we get it. You like alliteration. (quoting Barbie's friend Raquel)

Would our family have had a discussion about alliteration, had Barbie and friends not introduced it to my kids? Probably, eventually, but when? Who knows! Maybe years from now. But no, we had it sooner rather than later. Z asked what alliteration was after hearing Raquel say it. We explained by repeating Barbies' lines. We then were able to talk about it and revisit it a few times as it came up in daily living. Then the Cowboy Mouth song came on one day, not the first time she's heard it, by the way, and BAM! A connection, a deeper understanding of whats going on around her. A way to link things together. 
THESE moments are why we will continue homeschool as long as we can. I got to be part of that and many more like it. I got to SEE it. Nurture it. Laugh at it as we all quoted Barbie as part of a "lesson". 

There are days that we watch some form of tv MOST of the day. After an exhausting week, or when I'm sick, or if we're just having a fun movie day full of popcorn and singing and playing. It's ok. Is it our daily routine? Of course not. We're WAY to involved in a million different things to get these 'tv days' often. But I'm alot less afraid of them given what we learn from these silly shows. I'll name just a few. 

Barbie: you already know my favorite lesson from her ;) 
Phineus and Ferb: We've learned about eternal optimism from Phineus and from Ferb the ever effectiveness of keeping ones mouth shut ;) They've also learned about schematics, planets and general kindness.
Rescue Bots: Is all about 'doing what's right'. We all have our favorite character and we all know that My mom needs to meet a real life Chief Burns, cause he's the perfect guy... being cartoon is his only flaw ;)
Backyardigans: we learn to accept everyone's way of playing. We also have learned more than our fair share of little ditty's. 
Wild Kratts: Easy to learn here, the animal facts are presented in such fun and playful ways that my kids never forget them!
Octonauts: Again, silly and playful, while presenting facts about ocean life. 

What are your kids watching? What are you Loving about it? Share with us! We're always looking for our next favorite. 


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