Sunday, August 21, 2016

Bishop Museum? Yes Please!

Quick Tips.

**Located at 1525 Bernice St, Honolulu, HI 96817, the Bishop Museum is close to town and still easy to get to as it's right off the free way. 
**I believe parking is now paid, so be prepared for that. There is a main lot to the left of the entrance gate and a secondary lot if you follow the road to the right after the entrance gate.
**If you get a membership, it includes a parking pass, I believe.
**After a day's fun is done, you can put your ticket purchase toward a membership. So save your receipt.
**The gift shop can help you with daily stickers after you're a member if the ticket window has a long line.
**The gift shop also always has a few items themed to the changing exhibit.
**The cafe is fabulous!! We liked planning our trip for first thing in the morning and eating before we headed home.
**Before the cafe opened (and sometimes still after it had opened), we packed a lunch and ate on the grass, or tables or ramada.

Shortly after arriving on Oahu, my brother and sister in law gifted my kids (and lets be honest, ALL of us) with a family pass to the Bishop Museum. We have seen every exhibit over the last 2 years. Every. One.

My kids never tired of going, even the exhibits that didn't change were always a big hit. The psychedelic tunnel of Hawaiian creation, the volcano, the lava, the wind experiments, and the stage with bug costumes...the giant whale with the half exposed skeleton! never gets old.

The changing exhibits were ALSO amazing.
The very first one we saw was the Roller Coaster exhibit, possibly the best exhibit I've seen at a museum, ever.

But since all those pictures were on a hard drive stolen from our old house... I'll just give a nice Bishop Museum overview.

Comprised, largely, of 4 exhibit buildings, and a massive central lawn, it's never a bad day when you visit.

The entrance is a good place to start (hehehe, get it?). 

So in this building is the: J. Watumull Planetarium. 
We've seen several of the shows available there (not all because we usually have a the baby and chancing it is always out voted). But the few we HAVE seen were SO fabulous. The kids loved them and I learned a few things too. Also, while waiting for the show, there are a few hands on activities regarding the planet. My kids are a big fan of the 'sand pit'. They move the sand around to create valleys and peaks and then hold their hands over spots to make it rain. This activity uses a thermal sensor... maybe. Now that I think of it I'm not sure what the camera is that hangs above the sand pit. Way To Go Blogger. nice research ;) 

Hawaiian Hall
This hall has an amazing display of royal Hawaiian artifacts. Head dresses, paintings, jewelry. Very impressive to see.
Across from the artifacts, is a changing exhibit room. Last time we were there, it was all about birds of Hawaii. Native and invasive species, how to identify them, how to assist in population efforts, lots of neat information and a few interactive elements. 
Continue through this room and you come to the "The Realms of Hawaiian Hall". This three story exhibit follows many years and areas of Hawaiian history. Not a nook or cranny is left uninformed. 


The Pacific Hall
Attached to the Hawaiian Hall, this two story exhibit focuses on the oceans role in the islands of the entire Pacific. Again, every nook and cranny is full of information and there are a few hands on activities that explore boats and clothing. 

MAN! were they excited when the sign said "Please" touch.

Paki Hall
As I'm going over the map... I realize, I don't think we ever went in that hall. I assumed it was offices and such. So someone go there and let me know. Mahalo Plenty!

Castle Memorial Building
THIS is where we spent most of the last 2 years. It's the location of the changing exhibits. The roller coasters were here, then dinosaurs, then World of Wearable Art, then Candy, then Sharks... non-stop fun for my kiddos and their homeschooling friends. 

Hale Ikehu
This is a great little ramada. We have met here for a story with our co-op. We have eaten here when it starts to rain a bit. A nice little resting spot.

Richard T. Mamiya Science Adventure Center
Explore wind, lava, volcanoes, wildlife, Hawaiian creation, Earth and Water relations and take a break at the stage upstairs. This kids put on costumes and play out invasive species taking over or being thwarted by the "good guys". My kids love the costumes!

Hangin' on the Goose outside the Science Center

That's all the Halls. I hope you're able to enjoy some time at the Bishop Museum and by 'some time' I mean two entire years like we did ;)


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